Preventive measures to drive with low temperatures
Wiber Rent A Car
We are about to enter winter season and, primarily on mornings, our free shuttle drivers’ start their day in Málaga, Alicante or Mallorca, it’s usual that cold makes driving harder. For this reason, we have decided to give you few tips to avoid issues while driving with low temperatures.
Four tips to drive safely in winter season
1. Remove condensation
First thing that happens when we get in the car and it’s cold is that our windows get steamed-up, due to the temperature difference created by our own body heat, between the inside and the outside of the car. Condensation reduces road visibility to the point a dense fog would, but luckily for you fighting it is much easier: it will be enough to just get your air conditioning to the max level and direct it towards your windscreen.
2. Don't keep your coat on
Leaving your coat on while inside the car is a bad idea, because once you have warmed up with your car heating on (but remember: the optimal temperature for inside your car should not exceed 71ºF, since too much heat could cause drowsiness), you could feel too hot and this could cause you discomfort. Your coat will also limit your movements which, in case you must react quickly, is going to be an issue. This also works for gloves, as they remove a lot of sensitiveness towards the steering wheel, so remember to take them off when you hop on your car.
3. Winter tyres
It’s vital for you to check that your tyres keep their relief in good condition, as well as have the correct pressure. Plus, tyres in general lose adherence to the pavement under 44ºF, so it’s a good idea to change them for winter tyres, with a deeper relief, that will help you gain adherence to the road.
And it’s definitely time for having snow chains in your boot, and learn how to put them on if you still don’t know how. If you don’t have any, you can get snow chain spray for emergencies, and a blanket in case you are delayed by a storm. And of course, you can not forget a spare tyre and other emergency repairs elements, as well as your warning triangles and reflective vest.
4. Check your car thoroughly
For your car to coexist with the cold without an issue, it is important that you check that every liquid is on the right level, specially the antifreeze. But also brakes, steering wheel and battery should be in mint condition. As should be the brushes from the windscreen wiper, since with ice, snow or rain on the road, the vehicles nearby could splash you.
These are our four tips to drive with low temperatures that we can share with you from our experience in Wiber and at the same time helpful for you in the upcoming winter. If you are also going to be driving through the mountains, we’d recommend you take a look at our recommendations for driving safely through a mountain road post, as we believe it will help you a lot. Remember that if you rent your vehicle with Wiber Rent a Car, all our cars are thoroughly checked beforehand and you will be able to drive through any weather without a care.
Before we finish, we want to leave a last recommendation for you: before leaving your place, remember to check traffic status and weather forecast to avoid surprises. And don’t worry about the time you are arriving: the important thing is to get there.